Brow Lift
Forehead and brow lifting is done to reverse the drooping of the brow that occurs naturally and is noted in people starting their late 30's. Patients will often notice sagging at the outer aspects Brow Lift | Maryland | Washington DC of their upper eyelids. The patient may present with complaints of extra skin in this area. They are surprised when they find out that just by elevating the brow the majority of this extra skin will disappear. Brow lifting can be done through either an open or endoscopic approach. During brow lifting not only is brow elevated but also correction can be done of lines resulting from facial expression. These include the vertical lines often seen at the inner aspects of the brows as well as the transverse lines at the top of the nose. Once the brow is elevated, the patient will demonstrate a more refreshed and awake look. Since a drooping brow gives a shadow effect, once the brow is elevated more light is allowed to enter and give a brightening effect to the eye area.
A brow lift, when performed by itself, is done as an outpatient procedure. A small surgical drain is placed during the surgery, which is usually removed the following day. Patients are able to shower the day after the surgery. Patients will note swelling in the brow and cheek areas that will resolve completely within one to two weeks. Sutures and small appliances used to fix the brow temporarily are usually removed at 10-14 days. With normal hairstyling most patients can be out in public at five to six days and usually return to work at that time Brow lifting is often performed with eyelid surgery and also with full facelift surgery.
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If you would like more information about Brow Lift or to schedule an appointment, feel free to fill out our convenient contact form or call us directly at 301.982.0202.